Earn KNGF accreditation points
Earn up to 12 accreditation points with lectures from TrustMe - Ed (KNGF)
To get accredited you need a yearly subscription to TrustMe - Ed. Then you need to follow the lectures, pass the quizzes and send us the information we need to get you accredited. See how
1. Combine these to earn 4 points
General Physiotherapy; Manual Therapist and the occupation related part(Beroepsgerelateerd deel).
Accreditation period: 15.07.2021 until 15.07.2022
2. Earn 4 points
For KNGF's General Physiotherapy and Manual Therapist programs(Beroepsgerelateerd deel).
Accreditation period: 02.09.2021 until 02.09.2022
3. Earn 4 points
For KNGF's General Physiotherapy, Manual Therapist and Orofacial Therapist programs(Beroepsgerelateerd deel).
Accreditation period: 02.09.2021 until 02.09.2022
How to get accredited?
When you've completed the courses you can email us the following information at [email protected] to get accredited.
- Your full name
- Birthday
- Kngf relation number
- Dates completion of the lectures
- Certficates of your completed quizzes
- Which register
The certificates can be found in your account after the completion of the quiz.
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