Will Gregory
Will is a Consultant Physiotherapist working for the Rheumatology Team at Salford Royal Hospital in Greater Manchester, U.K. He is a Visiting Senior Lecturer on the Advanced Practice Masters at Manchester Metropolitan University and teaches on the Rheumatology Masters and ASPiRE Programmes at Keele University as well as the Clinical Rheumatology Masters Programme at The University of Manchester.
He leads on the Rheumatology MSK Pain service at Salford Royal and runs a twice-weekly Injection Clinic and an Axial Spondyloarthritis Screening and Treatment Clinic.
Will has recently been appointed as Vice President (Health Professionals) at the British Society for Rheumatology. He co-chairs the Rheumatology Physiotherapy UK specialist interest group.
Will is a published author www.researchgate.net/profile/
He is active on twitter @PhysioWillGreg