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Alessio Bricca

Alessio Bricca is an exercise physiologist employed as Assistant Professor at University of Southern Denmark in the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, Center for Muscle and Joint Health. Alessio’s main achievement in science include the discovery that exercise therapy does not harm knee joint cartilage in people with knee osteoarthritis, contrary the believe of most health care-professionals treating the condition. His main interest is to improve the health of people with chronic conditions through evidence-based treatments. Alessio, obtained his PhD in 2018, and is currently the author of 76 publications, including 48 peer-reviewed publications.  Alessio has published in several high impact journals, such as JAMA Psychiatry and the British Journal of Sports Medicine, with 28 of his papers having an Altimetric score in the top 5% of all research output scored. His H-index is 16 (Google Scholar). Alessio has worked in prestigious EU funded scholarships including the Marie-Curie Action: "Initial Training Networks" € 4.193,837 million EUR (KNEEMO ITN project), the ERC StG from the European Research Council of 1.5 million EUR (MOBILIZE project), and the Cancer Research UK (IC-SMOKE) project under the Supervision of Prof. Ewa Roos, Prof. Søren Skou and Prof. Marijn de Bruin, respectively.

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