Sport Injury Prevention

Sport Injury Prevention


In this class, I’ll talk about some key issues related to Sport Injury prevention. It includes first an understanding about the SPT role, then I’ll briefly present some information retrieved from the consensus on Sport injury prevention leaded by me, I’ll present the competences of the SPT prioritizing those related to prevention, and I’ll finalize this class talking about the impact of the SPT on injury prevention process.

Learning Points

  • We need to embrace and improve the registration process of sport injury – it is a huge responsibility!
  • Respect different opinions/points of view – the clinician should learn from the scientist, as the researcher should learn from the clinician – both are needed and important!
  • Be as individual as possible when implementing preventive interventions on your athletes – respect their needs and characteristics (ASSESS!)
  • We should improve our work routine to better support athlete’s engagement, adherence, education on injury prevention process – conquer our recognition and value!
  • As a central character on sport injury prevention process, involved on each phase, the SPT need to improve competence, knowledge and take the responsibility – take your place and be the best! 

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