) Rheumatology in Physiotherapy.

Rheumatology 1:30:05
Rheumatology in Physiotherapy.

This lecture covers the diagnosis and management of Rheumatoid Arthritis in the MSK setting for Physiotherapists. We start with an overview of Rheumatology conditions and move into recognising Rheumatoid Arthritis if a patient presents in your clinic. Then discussed are the differential diagnosis and what to do upon recognition including further investigations such as imaging, bloods and onward referral. The assessment and treatment sections centre around the clinical guidelines, individualising treatments to maximise patient function and ensuring a global approach to short and long term goals is taken including general health management.

Jack March BSc(hons)

Qualifying as a Physio in 2008 from the University of Plymouth Jack completed all the NHS rotations before taking up a post as a Senior Rheumatology Physio at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kings Lynn. The 5.5 years in the post afforded him the time to specialise in the recognition and management of most Rheumatological conditions. Having left this post to work privately he is now the Rheumatology Clinical Lead for Chews Health, an ALP for Nuffield Health and works in the NHS in Orthopaedics triage for foot and ankle patients.

Taking up a large portion of time is involvement in the ‘Physio Matters Podcast’. Being part of the 6 person team creating this free educational resource for therapists affords Jack access to many top clinicians and cutting edge information regarding patient management. Jack also provides CPD courses ranging from 2 hour seminars to full day courses on the recognition and management of Rheumatology conditions in MSK settings.

Here is the link Jack talked about in his lecture:

Subtitles available in:
Episode . Run time 42:26

Rheumatology in physiotherapy

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