Headache: Assessment and Treatment

Headache: Assessment and Treatment


Headache is a common and often disabling disorder affecting all ages. Paradoxically, headache is both a symptom and a disease.

Management of headache therefore requires an understanding of differential diagnosis to ensure management is appropriately directed.

Physiotherapy management includes physical treatments including exercise and manual therapy. But when should these treatments be used? 

This presentation will attempt to set the scene, outlining when physical treatments can be used in management. 

Learning points:

  1. By the end of this lecture, participants will be able to categorize the different forms of headache routinely seen in clinical practice
  2. By the end of this lecture, participants will be conversant with the theoretical concepts underlying the cervical spine's involvement in headache
  3. By the end of this lecture, participants will be able to differentiate cervicogenic headache from other headache forms based on a range of criteria

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