Concussion and Persistent MSK Pain

Concussion and Persistent MSK Pain

Where are the links? Read more


Where are the links?

Recognising concussion in primary care can be challenging as symptoms and signs are often subtle, non-specific, and can progress over time. The picture can become more complex when symptoms persist beyond expected and standardised recovery times. When symptoms persist, this is commonly referred as a persistent post-concussion system. 

This webinar is a synthesis of the literature surrounding persistent post-concussion symptoms and explores the parallels from the persistent pain literature. The webinar explores common conditions that can follow a concussion and elucidates how pain management strategies can support the management of persistent post-concussion symptoms.

Learning points

  • To briefly explore the aetiology and common mechanisms of concussion
  • To recognise the parallels between concussion and whiplash associated disorders and the mechanisms of injury that can lead to both conditions 
  • To identify the parallels from pain mechanisms and how they apply to persistent post-concussion symptoms
  • To learn about where the pain literature can be applied to the management of persistent post-concussion symptoms.

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