Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical Radiculopathy

This Trust Me-Ed lecture is part 1 of a 2-part series on the diagnosis and conservative management of patients with a cervical radiculopathy. Read more


This Trust Me-Ed lecture is part 1 of a 2-part series on the diagnosis and conservative management of patients with a cervical radiculopathy.

The first lecture is on how to differentiate patients with neck and radiating arm pain. In other words: What is the best way to identify if your patient has a cervical radiculopathy? In this lecture, we will cover the clinical reasoning process and the supporting evidence for deciding on the diagnosis “cervical radiculopathy”.

In the second lecture, we will cover the latest available evidence and a clinical reasoning process to formulate a patient specific staged conservative management program for a patient with a cervical radiculopathy.


Learning goals from the first lecture: Diagnosing

     1. After this lecture you will be familiar with a definition for what a cervical radiculipathy is.

     2. After this lecture you will be familiar with the course and prognosis for a patient with a cervical radiculopathy

     3. After this lecture you will be able to differentiate patients with neck pain and radiating arm pain and its potential other causes.

Learning goals from the second lecture: Management

     1. After this lecture you will be familiar with the scope of potentially effective treatmnet modalites for patients with a cervical radiculopathy

     2. After this lecture you will be familiar with the evidence suppporting or negating proposed treatment modalities for patients with a cervical radiculopathy

     3. After this lecture you will be able to compose an individualized and staged, patients specific management plan for for patients with a cervical radiculopathy.

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