) Cauda Equina Syndrome

Cauda Equina Syndrome 1:51:40
Cauda Equina Syndrome

In this lecture, Andrew Cuff discusses Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) – a rare but potentially life changing condition for all involved in the persons care.

In this lecture, Andrew Cuff discusses Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) – a rare but potentially life changing condition for all involved in the persons care. Starting with a background the condition, Andrew goes on to provide information on how to frame questions to help you detect CES informed from the literature around this topic.


There has been a lot of debate in the UK around emergency thresholds which has provided a spot light on this important topic. The outcome of this debate has been valuable discourse, improved documentation and clinical reasoning and Andrew provides you with practical tips from this debate to improve your clinical practice.


  • Understand the background and context of CES within clinical practice.
  • Reframing your ‘special questions’ to help detect suspected CES.
  • An update on clinical hot topics in the world of CES and MSK practice.

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