Becoming the PhysioCoach: Strength and Conditioning for Clinicians

Becoming the PhysioCoach: Strength and Conditioning for Clinicians


Extend your scope and become a PhysioCoach...or Osteo, Chiro, all healthcare professionals are welcome. Strength & Conditioning principles are an integral part of an effective rehabilitation journey, but Physiotherapists just don't learn these skills in their studies. Exercise prescription is learnt on the job, through a slow, painful and frustrating (especially for the patient) trial and error process.

This online course, designed through the lenses of a Strength & Conditioning Coach (James Phillips) and a Physiotherapist (Charlie Goodchild), will enhance your knowledge of the fundamental Strength & Conditioning principles key to improving your practice. We then teach you how to apply these practically across the full rehabilitation journey so that you can start confidently and effectively prescribing the best medicine of all: EXERCISE!

The course, with 18 hours of high-quality content is pre-recorded for you to make your way through each chapter. 



1.       Strength & Conditioning: What’s in it for me? Becoming a PhysioCoach
In this first module, you will understand the why behind the concept of becoming a coach (versus a therapist). This covers the essential communication skills of coaching and why this is so important to optimize treatment outcomes. By the end of this module, the PhysioCoach concept will seem the most obvious solution to the deficits and disengagement that often follow inadequate rehabilitation. 

2.       Training Principles & Science: The Art & Science of Coaching
This second module goes into the deep-rooted underpinning principles of training.  Here we go back to basics in order to frame the rest of the modules.  You will learn about the overarching concepts such as overload, and specificity and obtain key insights into force expression.

3.       Anaerobic Adaptations: What is Strength?
Here we frame ‘What is Strength?’ by delving into the neurological mechanism behind force expression, the adaptations associated with strength training, and how to target specific adaptations with certain training structure.  After this module, you can start implementing strength training more effectively and will know how to design specific training to bring specific results to your injured patient.

4.       Energy Systems: The Forgotten C
The Strength & Conditioning community is accountable for the expression Big S (STRENGTH) and little c (conditioning).  In this module, we explain the theory and relevance of enhancing your energy system knowledge to help guide training prescriptions to prepare your patient's fitness for sport.  After all, these systems define how we replenish energy.  Learn differing modalities and how to apply them to the endurance and team sport athlete.

5.       Needs Analysis: If you’re not Testing, you’re Guessing
Injury can be complicated, drawn-out & multifactorial.  Knowing your patient & how to progress them through the injury process, and monitoring their physical, psychological & biological state is key to understanding whether your intervention is working, and also to creating accountability for both you and your patient.  In this module, you will learn about the progressive rehabilitation testing cycle, designing exit criteria for each phase of rehab, and how to reverse engineer your patient's journey to success.

6.       Periodisation & Planning: Design your rehab journey
Now you have an idea of the journey ahead for your patient, you can start to plan out what each phase of rehab looks like in a logically structured manner.  In this module, you will learn about different periodization strategies, why the rehab process has periodization ingrained into it already (you just don’t know it), and how to maximize your patient's adaptations along the way.

7.       Programming & Training Modalities: Train like an Athlete
Here we go through how to design training sessions, and what specific training modalities can be used to maximize and target specific adaptations.  From exercise order & session structure to plyometrics & power training, this module will broaden your toolbox of training ideas so you can modify, adapt & optimize their rehabilitation.

8.       Exercise Prescription: What’s your rationale
Common movement patterns, progressions, and troubleshooting.  Charlie & I discuss each movement our ideas around coaching, and cueing, our rationale for certain exercises & the exercise progression.  This chapter is split into many videos as it is the longest as we go into so much detail about our exercise prescription.

9.     BONUS CHAPTER - The Rehab Continuum: From Injury to Performance
We conclude the course with this end-stage rehab module.  This module goes into detail surrounding the decision-making process of returning to sport and performance, sport training specificity, and monitoring training load.  Here we go through case examples of end-stage rehab and completing the journey to successful outcomes.


Course content

Episode . Run time 48:10
Why do Physio's need S&C
Episode . Run time 1:57:12
Training Theory, Principles & Science
Episode . Run time 2:10:36
Anaerobic Adaptations
Episode . Run time 2:04:53
Energy Systems
Episode . Run time 1:34:43
Needs Analysis
Episode . Run time 1:56:21
Episode . Run time 2:18:49
Episode . Run time 2:29:32
Exercise Selection
Episode . Run time 2:13:13
The Rehab Continuum

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