Discover How To Attract 4 - 17 New Physio Patients Every Week in 3 Days
Attract more patients and grow your practice

Discover How To Attract 4 - 17 New Physio Patients Every Week in just 3 Days

…Working both for insurance and cash based practices!

If you want to learn:

  • How to get new patients online and automated every week
  • How to stand-out in a competitive landscape
  • …Without breaking the bank on expensive agencies draining clinic profits.

Then this 3 Day Fully Booked Online Event is for you!

Dear Physio,

I’m going to help you get new patients every single week, so you can finally have financial freedom - without sacrificing time with your family.

Have you ever wondered what separates the Physios who are fully booked from the average clinic?

I have. And it was only because I got very lucky that I not only stumbled across the answer.

You probably have no idea who I am, but I started working with Physios and Chiros in 2019, and I was the typical “marketing man”.

I had gone through extensive training, paid €20.000 for courses on marketing and sales and thought I knew it all.

… And the problem was at first it actually worked.

I started getting some great results for the clinics I worked for and thought things were great.

That changed very quickly.

I took on 3 new clients and within 1 month they all wanted to terminate our contract - and I couldn’t understand why.

New patients were coming in, but they were all “a bad fit” for the clinics, so they only came for 1 visit and left again.

I remember sitting in my “office” at home feeling like a massive idiot…

There was no money.

No plan.

No hope.

Alexander Mazin
CEO of Fully Booked

I remember spending 4 - 5 hours just looking at successful clinics marketing, trying to figure out what the heck they were doing differently…

How are some Physios getting 40 to 60 New Patients every Month, and making bank, whilst me “the genius” can’t seem to get 5 or 10?

Then I stumbled across my mentor who had grown his Chiro business to +€1M/yr and I just had to learn how…

Let me put it this way.

It wasn’t cheap and I had chronic stomach problems for months till I had implemented everything and actually saw it work.

The Fully Booked Model was born and since then it has helped more than 500 practice owners to get more patients, make more and worry less about finances.

When we then got invited by Trustme-ED to do a workshop for Physios all around the world, it felt like a blessing, because finally we could pass on the information to many more!

And that’s why I want to invite YOU to the 3-Day New Patient Workshop, so YOU can have access to the exact same tools and strategies that enabled us to transform Physios Clinics from €3-5k/month all the way up to almost €50k/month and transform my life.

You can do the same things with your Clinic:

  • See 3 - 14 new patients every week
  • Don’t have to worry about spending all your profits on marketing help
  • Reactivate old patients and save money on acquiring new
  • Deliver more value to new patients and be able to charge more
  • You can finally live a stress-free life, so you can be more “present” with your children, and a better human being all around.


We will show you what 5% does to make that happen in their Clinics!

You’ll get the full breakdown with no “fluff” and the exact step-by-step technical instructions on how everything is executed on too. Nothing left unsaid, not a “webinar” where you learn only the “general theory”, but not how to actually implement it!

We will teach you the #1. The Proven Physio Clinic Blueprint, for building a Patient Attraction Machine and making you more profitable than ever!

‍This is the same exact system that’s worked for hundreds of other Practice Owners in 2023 that will enable you to scale revenue, profits, and the impact you have on your community.

And, we’ve constantly tested and refined it to work better and better over the years, and updated everything to today’s market conditions.

#2. How to differentiate your clinic from competitors and stand-out, so you’re constantly able to stay profitable and grow.

This is how you leverage the TrustmeED platform, to bring more value to your patients, so they get better results, you have higher compliance, get more referrals, are able to charge more and ultimately…

Become the Go-To Clinic in your area!

Even better, you can do this without changing anything about your programs and treatment plans.

What would it be worth to get new patients every week and add €1.000 - €5.000 to your revenue EVERY week?

For many… It would change their life…

But many agencies charge:

€800 - 4K just in management fees and then you pay for advertising on top of that…

…OR even worse…

They charged you “per lead”.

Seems like a great deal, you don’t pay if you don’t get any leads

But then you pay €20 - €50 per lead.

And they are the ones to define what a lead is…

One of the Physios we work with, told us that he paid €2.400 in 1 weekend (2 days) for advertising and only a small % was actually qualified for treatment!

Suddenly making more, just meant working more, but earning the same - and that is NOT what we will do for you here.

  • You will learn how to do EVERYTHING internally in your business.
  • You will get 8 weeks of UNLIMITED questions and 2-weekly group calls for assistance.
  • You will know EXACTLY how to interpret and change all technical aspects of your advertising.
  • You will get TEMPLATES that has been tested and proven to attract clients both for paid and free marketing.

Nothing or no one is left behind.

You will learn EXACTLY what agencies will charge you €1K - 4K or even more… EVERY month…

But here is the best part.

You will get to learn EVERYTHING and:

  • We won’t charge you €4.000…
  • We won’t charge you €3.000…
  • We won’t EVEN charge you €2.000…

The price for the first 30 to sign up is…

Only €1.000

and we even have a guarantee!

If you don’t like what you learned after the 3 days.. We will pay you EVERYTHING back!

That means only 2 things can happen:

  1. You get massive value, you will ALSO get your first new clients on the event and you will learn how to run your marketing and save thousands every month + INCREASE your revenue.
  2. You will still get new clients on the event… But you won’t pay a dime for attending!

Here's why you can't afford to skip this event!

Just think of all the money you’ve invested to start your Clinic. All the equipment you bought. The expensive lease. The training and certifications. The licenses and insurance.

And what about the money you spend every month just to keep your doors open? The rent. The utility bill. The cleaning expenses. Let’s face it. You’ve invested a lot of money and time to open your clinic. Compare that with the Ticket for the event.

That investment is a drop in the bucket compared to the tens of thousands you’ve invested in your business so far.

So, don’t let that money and time you’ve already invested go to waste. Scroll down this page, and claim your Early Bird Ticket today.

And one more thing… I’m so confident that you’re going to love the event, that I decided to give it a 100% Risk-Free Happiness Guarantee.

Risk-Free Happiness Guarantee

Register for Fully Booked Event. It will be the best event you’ve ever attended to catapult your business. As an attendee, if for any reason, by the end of the 1st day, you honestly feel we did not deliver on the information promised, just email [email protected] and ask for a full 100% refund.

What are you going to do?

Are you going to live the rest of your life trapped in a stressful, low-paying job?

Are you going to continue working all the time and missing out on your family?

Are you going to continue watching your bank account shrink every single month?

Are you going to continue skipping that latte because you can’t afford it?


Are you going to choose to invest in yourself… so you can build a wildly profitable clinic?

If you said “I want to be a Success!”, then click the button below, and claim your Early Bird Ticket today!

Get Your Early Bird Ticket Today For Only €1.000! This WILL be a €2.997 price point later, when the FULL program rolls out (that you also will get for the price of only €1.000)!

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