Master in Physiotherapy - TrustMe - Ed

Master in Physiotherapy

Posted In CategoryI need advice
  • G
    Posted 3 years ago


    Did anyone attended a Master in MSK Physiotherapy in Spain?

    Or did you know if there is some Master better than other?

    Thank you :)

  • L
    Lorenzo Bosio
    Posted 2 years ago

    Hey, yes I did it and was really good one in Barcelona!


  • G
    Posted 2 years ago

    Ciao Lorenzo!

    Immagino tu sia italiano vero? 

    Ero interessato pure io al master in Barcellona, saresti disponibile a darmi qualche informazione in più? Se vuoi possiamo metterci in contatto tramite mail o cellulare, dimmi te.

    Intanto grazie mille :)

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